Kaisen Linux 20200224 changelog
This new release is revision of version 20200217. Conky reworked (color). Lots of tools added (+70 tools).
Codename: Apocalypse
Softwares updates:
- clamav and dependancies
Added softwares and hardware support:
- apg
- atftp
- bacula
- bind9-host
- bonnie++
- bridge-utils
- cabxtract
- cdpr
- cifs-utils
- comgt
- cu
- dcfldd
- dirvish
- disktype
- dstat
- dump
- duplicity
- ethstatus
- ethtool
- ewf-tools
- facter
- file
- fio
- flashrom
- gfdisk
- gfio
- gpart
- hdparm
- hexedit
- hiera
- hostapd
- hwinfo
- ifenslave
- iftop
- ifupdown
- imvirt
- iotop
- iperf
- iperf3
- iproute2
- iptstate
- iputils-arping
- iputils-tracepath
- irqbalance
- iw
- jfsutils
- keepassxc
- lftp
- libreoffice
- lmsensors
- localepurge
- lockfile-progs
- lrzsz
- lshw
- lssscsi
- lzof
- mtr-tiny
- nethogs
- netsniff-ng
- ntpdate
- pigz
- pwgen
- recoverjpeg
- restic
- rfkill
- rsyslog
- setserial
- sipcalc
- socat
- ssmping
- statserial
- stress
- stressant
- sysfsutils
- sysstat
- tmux
- tshark
- udpcast
- unace
- unace-nonfree
- unp
- vlan
- xmount
- zerofree
- zulucrypt
- zulumount
Graphical interface:
- Reworked menus (More categories created for tidy tools)
- Bitlocker menu moved to mount section
- Conky reworked
Bugs fixed:
- BalenaEtcher launcher not functional fixed